Monday, September 03, 2007

Sheer Exhaustion

Friends, I am wiped out but very happy. The crafts fair has gone extremely well up to this point, more so than I could have hoped, really. It is such a thrill to see that people enjoy my work, want to own the things I create. It's very satisfying to see that all my efforts over the last year are paying off.

I got a little flack from some of my fellow artisans - 2 in particular - about the fact that I'm not Mozambican and that many of my materials come from other countries. In all, however, people have been very accepting and have viewed my work as an innovation, not a threat or something to reject on grounds of xenophobia.

After 4 days of the fair, I am completely worn out. Standing from 10am to 7pm really takes a toll on the knees and feet. I have newfound respect for people that stand all day at their jobs. I remember when I was waitressing it was hard to be on my feet for hours on end, but at least I was walking around and active. Standing relatively still behind a booth is a whole different story...

Today is the last day of the fair. I hope it goes as well as the last 4.

I am off to shower and coat my calves and feet in wintergreen cream, the natural equivalent of icy-hot.

Pictures to come soon...


Marcia Francois said...

We were thinking of you yesterday when we were at the Kensington Spring Fair! There were lots of yummy stuff and I actually ran out of cash (last year was not good so I didn't have high hopes of spending what I had) but I took their business cards :)

have a lovely day and a nice, long foot soak tonight!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for you! You are so talented!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are having such a great time at the fair. You deserve every moment of it as what you create is simply amazing :)

Lacithecat said...

I am so happy for you that it went well. And thanks for the photos. Looks like I missed another great party.

Sigh ...