Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Caminhos da Memória

After much procrastination and excuse-making, I have finally started one of my big life-projects.

You see, when I was 15 and moved to Paraná, Brazil for a year-long student exchange, I started keeping a diary. I wrote every single day during that year (such discipline! where did that all go?) and thus have a pretty complete record of the changes that took place during such a critical time in my life.

It's all there in writing...the first feelings of being ashamed to be an American, the struggle to learn Portuguese, the identification with Brazilian culture, travel to the Amazon and all along the coast and interior of the country by bus and boat, the unfortunate development of an eating disorder, lots of dates with lots of boys, and the decision to not go back to high school and instead go straight to college and independent living once back in New Mexico.

I kept writing after that year abroad, so I actually have a detailed record of my life from age 15 to about age 23. So much happened during that period...

Last year my mom very kindly DHL-ed me all of my journals. My grand plan was to transcribe them to Word, thus quieting the paranoid part of my mind that is convinced there will be a fire or a flood or some other disaster and I will lose all of my journals, and also giving life to the dreamer in me that recognizes I've got a pretty good first draft of a book (or books!) just waiting to be put together.

It's taken me quite a while, but I'm finally tackling this project. Last night I opened the first journal from my year in Maringá, starting in late July 1997. TEN YEARS AGO, people! How did this happen? How did all this time slip away?

I remember being on exchange and meeting other students that had returned from programs, say, 3 years prior. My reaction was, "Wow, that was ages ago!" And here I am now, a full decade after the fact, forever changed by the decision to live and study in a country not my own.

My initial reactions to re-reading my journals are the following:

- my handwriting is still exactly the same as it was when I was 15 years old;

- I was more-than-slightly obsessed with boys;

- I already had a poor self-image, in particular with relation to my body;

- I used the word "damn" in all its variations way too much;

I wil share later in the week some of the funnier passages I've come across so far.


Toni M Photography said...

Good on you Ali.... Such discipline... I wish I could, but I do believe most of my words and thoughts have gone to a far away place, except those few ramblings in my art journals or here in the blogging world....

Keep it up, wishing you the best of luck with it all,
Love Toni

Left-handed Trees... said...

Sounds like a great project...I'm looking forward to snippets of it!

Anonymous said...

I don't know where time has gone either :(

You've been tagged; check here ;)
Sorry, you've been tagged ;)
Go here:

Amber said...

At least it is only "damn".
Um, one guess what word I would have used too much. lol!


Safiya Outlines said...

This sounds like it's going to be really funny. Teen girl angst is (retrospectively) hilarious. I can't wait to read them.

Francesca said...

well well, there seems to be a lot boiling these days! It is encouraging and inspiring to see all our energy and effort to build your life...I am impressed!

Tanti baci Ali, io continuo invece a fare l'aperitivo...

Ali Ambrosio said...

~Toni - Oh, girl, the discipline went away when I was around 18 or so...I'm struggling to get it back, hoping that my daily entries will inspire me!

~Left-Handed Trees - Definitely a project with potential, but let's see if I make it to the end...

~Jo Ann V. - Tell me about it! At least I am one of those people who enjoys getting older. I'll check out your tag just now.

~Amber - Heheheh. I bet I do know!

~Safiya - Yes, it is hilarious. And sort of agonizing at the same time to read back through the entries. Sometimes I want to reach through the pages back in time and give myself a good smack upside the head.

~Francesca - You'll make it, girl. Thanks for the motivating words.

jenica said...

this is awesome. kudos!

Ali Ambrosio said...

~Jenica - Thanks, girl!