Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Yes, I Just Spent 20 Mintues on Google

In the wake of the earthquake this evening in Sumatra and the resulting 9-foot wave that was produced locally, there is a tsunami watch in effect for the entire Indian Ocean basin for the next several hours. While officials in Australia and India did not register any significant increase in ocean levels following the quake, the possibility of a tsunami being triggered in other locations has not been ruled out.

While it is extremely unlikely that we will have anything catastrophic happen here in Mozambique as a result of the quake, everyone is buzzing with the news of the tsunami warning. A friend who works at the European Commission texted me with the alert, and the official warden message from the US Embassy just arrived in my inbox, complete with instructions from FEMA as to what to do in a tsunami (obviously the voice of authority for these parts, because we know just how well they handled Katrina, right?).

Anyhow, here in Maputo we will most likely see increased intensity and height of ocean waves from between 11pm and 1am, the time when the "tsunami" is expected to reach these parts of Africa. Nothing to worry about, though, as the most serious consequence expected is water coming ashore beyond the seawall that usually keeps the city dry.

I know tsunamis are quite dangerous, and that this particular one has already claimed lives in Indonesia, but I must admit that I am rather excited by the prospect of a tsunami warning and being able to witness the effects of an altered ocean. I am equally fascinated by hurricanes and tornadoes. We've discussed this previously, but I think part of me would have been quite satisfied by a career in meteorology, geology, vulcanology, etc.

1 comment:

Francesca said...

Wow. Is this happening because I left Mozambique??? It must be a sign.