Monday, August 28, 2006

Naughty, Naughty Boys

2 kittens + 1 family size roll of paper towels (specially purchased at the bizarro grocery store in Nelspruit) + 1 unsupervised afternoon = THIS

Pria and Parceiro managed to destroy the entire roll of towels including the cardboard tube inside. It looked as if a confetti-happy parade had marched through the living room, leaving behind assorted shreds of paper and trash.

Needless to say, Momma Cat wasn't thrilled but the boys sure had a fabulous time showing those paper towels who's the boss.


Mimey said...

Bad Kitty!

kanuthya said...

An ex boyfriend of mine had 5 (!) female cats!! I love cats, but try to imagine what it was like ehehe The most interesting part of it was when they started being in heat, all at the same time...a nightmare!!!

Ali Ambrosio said...

~JVS - very bad, indeed!

~Kanuthya - Oh, my. I always get my animals fixed. The boys here will be going in for the big snip in a couple of months. I can't imagine 5 cats in heat, all at the same time.

_+*Ælitis*+_ said...

Ooops!!! that was like a kitten attack right? !!! the newest movie :)

Safiya Outlines said...

You can just see in the picture the fun they're having.

I'm sure they plotted this together!

La Fuerza Artemis said...

Oh! The joys of owning cats. :)

Have a safe trip Ali. I know it's fast approaching! I was driving down Lomas the other day and I could smell the chile in the air! Just like old times; usually the smell of chile only fills the parking lots of the Wal-Marts and Smiths. I miss seeing all the roadside chile vendors. Nevertheless, harvest season in Albuquerque is here.

Michelle said...

I love the pics. I know it is no fun cleaning it up, but you know they had SOOO much fun!

Mauricio said...
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Mauricio said...

Gatinhos adoráveis.....

Parceiro, né? Parceiro de bagunça!!!!!

No post abaixo, li rapidinho, 15 meses em moçambique?

Se cuida e apareça

paris parfait said...

Naughty kittens! I have a friend in the States whose cats are similarly enthralled with toilet paper - for a while, her house was carpeted with the stuff.

Anonymous said...


i hope you made them help you clean that up.

Amber said...

LOL! I bet they had a BALL doing it, too!


Deirdre said...

Uh-Oh, now you'll have to hide the paper towels when you leave the house. It's the one thing Miss B hasn't gotten into.

Narrator said...

That is a hilarious scene. My dog used to shred toilet paper when he was a pup; I thought it was the cutest bad habit ever.

Unknown said...

Nice site, i have three dogs and they love to shred everything, the worst part is cleaning it up after is sticks to the carpet!!!
Good luck :-)

Mike said...

hehe...this post made me miss my cats. It is not always nice in the moment but sometimes it is the quirks and little moments of being bad that are most endearing in a pet in the long run. Cheers :)