Friday, August 04, 2006

On a Lighter Note...

I love our kittens! How am I expected to work when I have "helpers" like these ones? Notice Parceiro having a go with the mouse, and Pria sleeping with her head crooked all the way back.

Now Pria has her turn with the mouse, and I am left to wonder how it is that I lost total control of my own office.

Thank you all for your overwhelming support regarding the spill-my-guts post from yesterday. I had a terrible time sleeping and found myself up at odd hours thinking about my words and fretting about potential responses from family and friends. I was amazed at how much this post affected me after the fact, given that it was actually quite easy to write.

Ricardo called me twice in the middle of the night, throwing worries about time zones to the wind, to tell me how impressed he was by my post. "You're really corageous, you know that?" My response: "Yeah, I know." Rico and I both laughed at my total lack of humility when accepting a compliment. Seriously, though, what was I to do after telling all my secrets for the world to read - pretend like I wasn't aware that it took a lot of balls? I thought it best just to own up to the fact that I am a brave, brave woman.

PS - I mixed up dates in my post yesterday. The breakup after the whole Brasil incident happened in 2004, not 2005. It's funny, I still have a really hard time keeping dates straight regarding that time in my life. There certainly is some truth to the idea that we block out things that are uncomfortable or painful to think about.


_+*Ælitis*+_ said...

Yes, I thought that 2005 was to short since it's been 2 years with Ricardo but we never know exactly, right? Loved the photos!

Yes, Ricardo's right: YOU WERE BRAVE!!


Safiya Outlines said...

Indeed you are as brave as your cats are cute(very!).

Anonymous said...

i just caught up on your last couple of posts. you are a brave, brave woman, ali. and i say that with the utmost respect...props to you on your honesty & courage!

Ali Ambrosio said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for your support!!

Unknown said...

very sweet ;)