Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Early Morning Fog

This morning I look out the window of my home office and see the Vila Algarve shrouded in fog. It's so thick that I can barely make out the details of the blue and white tile murals that run along the outside of the abandoned mansion. We've recently learned through various different sources that the Vila Algarve, this architectural and aesthetic work of art, used to be owned by the Portuguese secret police during the colonial times. Rumor has it the mansion was used as a place of torture for any political dissidents or supposed enemies of the state. The other day when I was on the varanda staring out across the street, I noticed what looks like the entrance to a basement dungeon (!).

Perhaps this dark past has something to do with the fact that this beautiful-on-the-outside home is completely abandoned. On the other hand, these same sources claim that the Vila is now owned by the Mozambican Association of Laywers, and that the reason it's in ruins is due to "mismanagement" of donated funds from the European Union for its renovation. Either way, I think the fog fits this old home extremely well...

The fog also fits my mood this morning, too. I am confused about my work, how I feel about my current profession. For the life of me I can't determine whether I hate consulting and am miserable writing business plans and doing fundraising for local projects, or whether this is actually my dream job and I'm self-sabotaging because some part of me doesn't believe I deserve this success or happiness. I seem to flip-flop between these extremes at least 10 times a day. How strange not to know whether I despise something or want it with all my heart...

I realize that there is no "solution" per se to this dillema. The only thing I can do, for now, is to listen to my body and try and do away with any mind-chatter that tells me what I should or should not think about my work and my life here. I need to sit in silence and feel it in my bones. I am confident the answer will come.

I am also pretty certain that once I do gain a bit more clarity about my work situation, there won't be any radical changes in my life. In all likelihood I'll still do my consulting work, still make my jewelry, still write in my blog and fuel illusions of grandeur that I'll one day write novels about my experiences across the world. The main difference - and although small it is a crucial one - will be how I view myself.

Am I a consultant who does writing and jewelry design on the side?
Or am I a writer and jewelry designer who does consulting to pay the bills?

Something to meditate about, for sure. Speaking of which, I must make a cup of chai and go do my morning ritual on the varanda. I've found that the way I spend the first hour after waking is critical in determining how the rest of my day goes. If I connect with my body, eat a good breakfast and get showered and dressed as soon as possible, my day will almost certainly follow on a path that is satisfying. I feel good, accomplish many things on my to-do list, and have very few cravings for sugar or wine or Diet Coke. If I don't meditate or take a shower right away, I seem to get into a pattern of laziness and semi-depression that too often ends up with me getting no work done and eating 2 entire packages of sugar wafers for dinner. Not that this happened yesterday. (ahem).


La Fuerza Artemis said...

Ali!! I know Tomas! I read your blog backwards through most of July and I saw his picture! CRAZY!! We used to work for an after school literacy project through Americorps together. In fact...I remember him showing me that picture that evening it was taken. CRAZY!

La Fuerza Artemis said...

CRAZZZZY!! I must say it again. hehe.

Ali Ambrosio said...

No way!!

I guess I'm not really surprised, I mean Burque is a small place and I had a hunch you and I would know at least one person in common. But I'm so excited to know that it's Tomas. He is such a great friend - we've known each other since we were in 6th grade!

At some point we'll have to play the "so, do you know so-and-so?" game to see who else we have in common.

La Fuerza Artemis said...

Haha!! I just HAD to check to see if you replied; I've been staying up insanely late to chat with an old friend who now lives in Norway. So yeah, I met a few of his friends from Academy. Of course I know all about his little BFF trio: John, Joe and Tomas. And a few others I guess.

Ali Ambrosio said...

OH MY GOD!!! They were my best friends in 10th grade. It was the trio of boys and then me in the middle. Crazy times, lots of chaos and drama, but I remember hanging out with them and smile at what fun we had together.

Here it's already 10am - you are up late, girl!!

La Fuerza Artemis said...

It's 2:00 AM here; I'm sure you know that. But last night I stayed up until 4!! AIM conversations take twice as long. hehe. I haven't seen any of them in a long time. Tomas and I used to be good summer buddies, but it's been a while. Maybe I'll call him up tomorrow just to share the fun discovery we've made.

Ali Ambrosio said...

Please do call Tomas - he'll get a kick out of this connection.

Also, I'll be in town from the 31st to the 6th with Ricardo, then from the 14th to the 19th alone. We should definitely plan a night to get a drink or some dinner all together - you, me, Tomas, John, Ricardo (if he's in NM still) and whoever else is up for it.

Ah, just out of curiosity, do you know my friend Angel? She graduated from UNM a year after me... In your photo you actually remind me a lot of her.

La Fuerza Artemis said...

Hrm...I don't know Angel. And I didn't know John was back in Abq! When I knew the crew, he was still in Korea. We should definately hang out. That's going to be a really busy week for me because I need to leave by the 9th at the very latest (I was planning on visiting some of my mentors, etc. in El Paso before I fly out on the 10th). But even if it's just for a quick coffee/tea, it would be fun!

Ali Ambrosio said...

Yeah, a coffee or tea sounds great!

liz elayne lamoreux said...

i love this idea of the committment to the start of your day. i am looking to start a ritual/schedule of sorts soon. something to get me going and focused. working from home is a wonderful treat, but i can spend half the day forgetting to eat breakfast and lunch then eating whatever is in site around 2 p.m. silly and a little crazy. i will think of you with your morning ritual and maybe this will prompt me to get a move on.
blessings to you dear.

Kristine said...

You are amazing! I just needed to let you know that.
As for the career stuff, I think once you go home, you will be able to gain a better perspective about whether or not you love or even like your job and your life. This may come about simply from being able to step away from your life for a moment. As for what to call yourself - it's all labels! I think the bigger issue is whether or not you are doing what fulfills you rather than if one label takes priority over another. Just a thought...

P.S. Now I want some sugar wafers!

Mike Hu said...

A morning meditation/exercise is a good way to get off one's day. That's what they do in a lot of monasteries and temples -- to ensure that their lives get off to the right understanding and practices.

Most people live their entire day in a helter-skelter and wonder at the end of it why there was no meaning and purpose to anything they did.

Your major problem seems to be that of "becoming" and not being wholly what you are -- which is the problem of youth, that eventually you simply outgrow. For now, you just need to accept that what is, is total reality and how you get into it, is the best indicator of future success -- that you do the best with every present moment, and don't worry about the rest.

And life happens.

Mimey said...

The flip-flopping sounds normal to me. Self sabotage can be a subtle beast, hope you keep it in check. Just like I do, that's why I'm in here during 'proper writing' time.

My categorisation is Writer who Teaches (and is occasionally creative in other ways but doesn't like to talk about it ;-) The writing comes first.

Alina said...

Ali, I think you are a consultant/writer/jewelry designer/and much more all together. And with so much stuff that you are good at, it is normal to sometimes get bored of one of them.

Yes, this is the nicest way to put a situation that I can really relate to as I studied one thing and do another. But the paths of life are weird, they take you where you need to be, when you least expect it.

Good luck, keep up your morning routine!

Safiya Outlines said...

I can empathise with the getting no work done and eating (insert favourite sugary snack here).

You're right, the answer about your job will come when you least expect it. Sometimes you just have to let life take it's course.

Ali Ambrosio said...

~Liz - Starting a morning ritual when Ricardo left was one of the best things I've ever done. I love it! I now acutally look forward to waking up in the mornings so that I can have my tea and meditate.

What will your routine look like? I'm curious, as you seem to have such creative ideas.

~Kristine - Thanks, sweet friend. Good point about the labels. I feel my art work and writing are fulfilling, sometimes I feel the same way about my consulting (like when I finish a big project or do a good presentation). Other times I have no idea...

~Mike Hu - This piece of advice really resonated with me. Don't worry about becoming, concentrate on being. And in being, make sure that you do your best.

This advice is very similar to some of the principles of Nia, the kind of integrated movement dance form I told you about several months back.

~JVS - Self-sabotage is an ugly beast, for sure. I think I've become pretty good about keeping it in check, but it's always worth a good, honest evaluation of one's situation to be certain.

I like the idea that you are a writer who teaches.

~Alina - Thanks for affirming that all of these labels are actually me. I'm curious - what did you study?

~Safiya - I think this is something most of us can relate to. What is your favorite sugary snack? Mine actually isn't sugar wafers. I love toffee and those Danish shortbread butter cookies that come in a tin.

Anonymous said...

Acho vc uma pessoa sensacional....com diversos talentos...
Amiga, talvez seja a crise dos 25 anos.....creio tb que estou chegando nela.Onde nos questionamos mais e mais sobre as escolhas que estamos fazendo, como levamos a vida, se estamos no caminho certo...profissao certa...etc!!!
Mas tenho certeza que eventualmente vc vai encontrar as respostas...
Possuo uma imensa admiracao pelo seu estilo de vida....Isso mesmo, continue a meditar, fazer oq vc tem vontade,,,seja pintar, fazer suas joias...escuto seu corpo e seu coracao...acredito q este seje o caminho...e relaxe, afinal d contas vc esta indo p casa dentro d alguns dias, p baixo das asas dos seus pais, seu refugio, onde sempre nos sentimos protegidas...compreendidas.... afinal estamos em casa!!!
Quem sabe em contato com suas raizes, vc consiga encontrar algumas respostas.
Para mim sempre funciona.
beijos....aproveite muitooooo
Coma muitos green chile....veja seus amigos, faca uma caminhada pela Sandia!!!!
Nossa...queria um dia retornar tb a Albq!!!!
Acho q escrevi demais!!!

Anonymous said...

Ops...esqueci d assinar...
nem sei se precisava...

Ali Ambrosio said...

Linda, adorei o que você escreveu. E não era necessário assinar, sabia que era você minha amiga.

De repente seja crise dos 25 mesmo, parece que tanta gente que conheço tá passando por algo parecido.

Obrigada pela força!

Masood Ahmed said...

Listen to your heart.keep listening to it..you will get a definite answer.Best of luck.

Willie Baronet said...

Here is to a clear afternoon! ;-)

Mauricio said...

tudo bom?

Muito texto, sou mais visual....

Mas passei somente pra dizer um oi.

Alina said...

What I have been studying? Well, finished journalism and still have a license exam to take and am on my second year studying Tourism Economics. I work in a completely different field and I am used to several labels on things I enjoy doing :)

Alina said...

Hey Ali! Hope everything's ok with you, as you haven't posted in a few days. I'm sure we'll be reading more soon! :D