This was swiped from the Queen of Memes, JVS. Her answers are great, as are her poems. She's trying to convert me into a lover of poetry and is actually making some headway.
1. A cuddler? I love a good cuddle, be it with a person or a kitten.
2. A morning person? Originally, no. But as I’ve accepted that I’m slowly turning into my mother, it seems a preferred wake-up time of 3:30am is looming in my not-so-distant future. As long as I have a cup of tea it will all be okay.
3. A perfectionist? Less and less with each passing day.
4. An only child? Yes.
5. Catholic? No, thanks. I've already got enough guilt as is.
6. In your pyjamas? No. I don’t even own proper pajamas.
7. Currently suffering from a broken heart? Yes, the one that comes with being far away from the people that you love.
8. Okay styling other people's hair? Definitely! I was Rico’s #1 barber of choice when we lived in Chimoio. We’d go out to the back yard with the hair clippers and some beers and I’d have at it. I was actually quite good, although he does have forgiving hair.
9. Left handed? No. But both Rico and my dad are.
10. Addicted to MySpace? Absolutely not. I really kind of despise it.
11. Shy around the opposite gender? Not at all. Never have been. It’s girls that I find intimidating usually.
12. Loud? Notoriously so. But it’s usually because I’m excited or making an excellent point. I guess being American contributes, too.
12. Bite your nails? Not anymore, unless one of them is uneven and I’m without clippers. Then I’ll have a go at it.
13. Get paranoid at times? Only if I’ve smoked loads of pot.
14. Currently regret something that you have said/done? I regret that I didn’t get the chance to see more of my friends while back in the US.
15. Curse frequently when you get mad? Especially in Portuguese. I have a mouth like a sailor and I really have to watch it here because people never curse. Ever. It’s really bizarre after living in Brasil where people have some of the most colorful insults I’ve ever come across.
16. Enjoy country music? Some. I like Allison Krauss, Dixie Chicks, Willie Nelson and 2-stepping to country music while in Austin.
17. Enjoy jazz music? I was in jazz band in high school and my dad is a jazz-o-phile. How can I not like jazz?
18. Enjoy smoothies? Yes, but haven’t had one in ages because I don’t own a blender and there are no smoothie shops in Maputo.
19. Enjoy talking on the phone? If it’s on Skype and therefore for free, yes. Otherwise my bank account doesn’t permit it these days.
20. Have a lot to learn? Tons.
21. Have a pet? Kittens Pria and Parceiro (aka “The Boys”) here in Maputo, full-grown cat Azul currently with my mom.
22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person? I certainly hope I’ve broken that trend!
23. Have all your grandparents died? No. I’ve still got my Grammy in Italy.
24. Have at least one sibling? Not by birth. I have several step-siblings, though. Dylan and Ann I count as the real thing.
25. Have been told that you are smart? Of course. I've been told that I'm humble, too.
26. Have had a broken bone? No.
27. Have caller id on your phone? Yes, and it permits me to avoid my least-favorite client when he calls.
28. Changed a diaper? No. Can you believe it? I’m sure I’ll put in my dues, though, when I have kids of my own.
29. Changed a lot over the past year? Diapers or in general? If it’s change in general, then yes. Nothing like living in rural Africa to bring about quiet revolution in one’s life.
30. Had friends who have never seen your natural hair colour? Yes.
31. Had surgery? Technically 3 times. Once to remove my 4 wisdom teeth, then on 2 separate occasions to dig out suspicious moles on my back. I’ve got some impressive scars, although the surgery was quite minor as far as that kind of thing goes.
32. Killed anyone? No!
33. Had a haircut in the last week? Unfortunately, no. Although I will get one next week.
34. Slept in the bed beside you? Rico.
35. Saw you cry? My dad at the airport.
36. Went to the movies with you? Rico and B. at the old funky cinema here in Maputo. It’s been ages since I’ve been to the movies.
37. Went to the mall with? Poor Rico, being dragged on a super-efficient shopping spree after Air France lost my luggage on the way to the US.
38. You went to dinner with? Last people I ate dinner in a restaurant with were my friend Marlene and her husband (plus several of their friends) back in Albuquerque.
39. You talked to on the phone? My mom. She called me from the Munich airport on her way back to the US after a visit to my Grammy.
40. Said "I love you" to you and meant it? My mom on the phone this morning.
41. Broke your heart? An ex-boyfriend with whom I no longer maintain contact. Happily it was a while ago and my heart has since been un-broken multiple times.
42. Made you laugh? My friend Liesbeth in an e-mail talking about how if she were rich she’d always be redecorating her “cribb”.
43. Pierce your nose or tongue? Used to have my nose pierced and loved it. Had to eventually take it out for a shitty job waiting tables.
44. Be serious or be funny? Funny.
45. Drink whole or skim milk? Whole. Although I really am grossed out by milk in general and you couldn’t pay me enough to drink a glass of milk all by itself. Now that I’ve found soy milk in Maputo I’m making the transition. I do like cream, though. And cheese. And ice cream.
46. Die in a fire or drown? Jesus, neither one.
47. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents. I love them!
48. What time is it? 5:30pm GMT+2
49. Nicknames? I’ve got a ton. Ali is the most common. Also used are Alf, Alfie, GC (girl cat), AC (africa cat), BD (baby dog), Burr Girl, Al, Gringa (hate that one), Monkey Bars, and Patroa.
50. Where were you born? Albuquerque, New Mexico
51. What is your birthdate? October 13th. It's on a Friday this year.
52. What do you want? To be able to consistently send and receive mail without paying for DHL. Seeing as I’m highly unlikely to get this wish granted, I’ll settle for a cold glass of beer and some art supplies.
53. Where do you want to live? Isn’t that the million dollar question…
54. How many kids do you want? Two, tops.
Ali, I'm seeing the Dixie Chicks in a few weeks. Second time! I don't own any of their CD's, but after ending up at the first show by chance, I became a fan. They put on an incredible live show.
I like your meme. Now I-I am stealing it.
I think I will start calling you monkey bars. :-)
Enjoyed that. And my birthday is October 20! Both Libras, it figures. I'll be in Africa for mine!
Time for another meme :)
Good answers, I laughed, I smiled, I was touched. And a lovely shout out! Thanks sweetie, x
Those were great answers! I could identify with some. Question: you want two kids like me. Did you wonder how ironic it would be to have twins the second time :D I've also have a big problem with PJs. Now I have one, bought by my mom. Other than that, when people come to sleep at my place and have to give them pijamas, I'm in great trouble! :)
Hi Ali,
I've just finished reading your blog, from start to finish, including the comments..... OMG you've made me relaise that I should never give up my dream of travelling and teaching.... Thank you so much.... I've laughed, cried and smiled with every word, quote and photo..... Thank you so much for making my week....
I wish you and Rico all the best for the present and the future and may one day we meet somewhere in this crazy ole' world we live in and enjoy a cold beer and share stories
Cheers Toni
~n.v. - I would love to see them live. I don't own any of the cd's either, but I do have the single of the song "Truth No. 2" which is by far my favorite.
I liked your meme answers, by the way.
~rrramone - Looks like we'll both be celebrating another year older in Africa. How fun!
~ladybird - Thanks for the tag. I'll do it as soon as I translate the original questions.
~jvs - Glad you enjoyed. :)
~paris parfait - Gracias mi amiga. How's the spanish coming along?
~Alina - oh, getting twins the second time around would really be more than I'd bargained for. I also like the idea of having just one kid. I loved being an only child, but I know it's not for everyone...
~Toni - Now YOU just made MY week! I'm flattered that you went through the entire blog and so pleased that it served as an inspiration for you to keep the dream of traveling and teaching.
I would love to meet for a beer and some good conversation whenever our paths may cross.
Best of luck!!!
Thank you so much for your wishes :) still have no time but soon I'll put internet in my new flat and read all I've missed.
This is a great meme! I am going to swipe it! :)
Um, Monkey Bars?? WTH.
And yes, two kids tops is a wise choice, I think. This way they can't gang up on you. You can't be out numbered by the natives. ;)
And I heart Willie Nelson. I do. I'm thinking of naming my new dog (when I get one) Willie Nelson. 'Cause that might be funny...
You lovely libra. I hope you have a wonderful day!
~Amber - about the monkey bars thing? You'll have to ask my mom, the queen of nicknames. I imagine it came from my childhood determination to be able to cross the monkey bars on the playground.
There was this girl at my school, Kasey, who could go across them in one go. I spent an entire day practicing on the monkey bars in the jungle gym in our backyard until I could do it, too.
~Elite - Parabéns, yay Libras!
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