This morning I was woken up by the unmistakeable sound of diarrhea. At first I thought it was just an unusually vivid dream. Then I managed to open my groggy eyes and saw Pria, my sweet little boy/girl cat, squatting on our brand new comforter and letting loose a massive, runny revenge shit - with me still in the bed!!
Needless to say I was not a happy camper at 6:45am. I like my mornings to include meditation and chai tea, not a roll of paper towels and uncontrollable gagging.
So two things are clear:
1. The cats obviously disapproved of the fact that yesterday I was unable to provide sufficient attention and play time. I was laid up on the couch all day with the first migraine headache I've had since 7th grade when I got blind spots while taking a test in Ms. Stiles' math class. Yesterday I didn't get blind spots, but I sure got the headache, accompanied by photosensitivity so bad I could barely look at the computer screen. (side note to parents and other concerned parties: no, I don't have malaria or meningitis or any other strange illness and yes, I am feeling better today.)
2. The diarrhea is definitely caused by the commercial-brand crap cat food. I ran out of chicken yesterday and walked in the rain to the neighborhood Indian grocery only to find the door padlocked shut. The bread shop next door was also barred closed. Unbeknownst to me, yesterday was, like, the 23rd public holiday we've had in Mozambique in the last month. Since no shops were open, I had no way to get the ingredients for my homemade cat food and was forced to give the boys the regular chow for a day. Apparently it didn't go over so well...
So right now I'm tired, slightly annoyed and waiting for the shops to open so I can go buy a frozen chicken for my sweet boys. Grrrrrr. I suppose this is all good training for when I have kids, no?
Ali, sounds like an incredibly ugly morning! Hope you don't get a replay of this too soon, never would be better!
What a crappy way to start the day! (sorry, couldn't resist the pun) ...yes, it is good training for kids, and no, you never get used to it! Cheers.
That sucks! I can only imagine how horrible it must have been to clean up, especially when migraines already tend to cause nausea! I hope the day got better...
What a revolting story! Thanks for sharing.
Glad you're feeling better. i had the flashing lights with a migraine once and once only. I was convinced I was dying for about two years, so I'm impressed with how calm you sound ;-)
sorry you had such a rough morning....
i want to ask you about your meditation practice...i'm wanting to try it myself.
Ahhh, so it was a "Fun with poo" day! Except, of course, they are so *not* fun at all, especially when you feel like crap yourself. i'm not a mom but i am a nurse, and some days on our unit just seem more poo- and diarrhea-laden than other days. we call it "fun with poo days" just to cheer ourselves up by the ludicrousness of it all. i couldn't help myself but to laugh at the 23rd mocambician holiday in a month. i've never said it before but i really love reading your blogs! the good the bad and the ugly. and the very very humanly real.
~alina - I hope it never happens again, too. What a nasty way to wake up.
~jane poe - Well, looks like I have lots to look forward to then, right? :)
~kristine - It was gross, gross, gross. But thankfully the day got a lot better after the incident.
~la vie - Excellent news for my weak stomach!
~jvs - I think the only reason I'm calm is because (mercifully) the pain isn't at all bad. I mean, it's noticeable, especially since I never get headaches, but it's a far cry from what I imagine other peoples' migraines to be like.
~kerry - It's not really much of a formal practice. I just sit outside against the wall, indian style, with pillows so that I'm comfortable. The I set my cell phone alarm for 10-15 minutes. I close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing and on clearing any thoughts from my mind. The main point is to keep the mind empty, to quiet the chatter that always goes on. Sometimes I'll envision a light together with my breathing.
I know there are tons of proper techniques out there, but I keep it simple.
~lu - I'm so glad you de-lurked!! Yes, it was a very "fun with poo" kind of a day. From what you wrote I'm guessing you're here in Mozambique somewhere. Good luck with your work in the clinic, it sounds challenging. Abraços!
~paris parfait - I know, they are pretty spoiled. But the problems actually started before the food ran out...Rico gave me some chrysanthemums (mildly poisonous to kitties), and Pria ate some of the leaves before I could move the flowers away from the cats. I think that's what made her sick, but obviously the commercial food only made matters worse.
Things are better today, though. Nice and solid after some rice and chicken.
OMG, that is worse than the time my cat peed on me. Talk about flying to the shower...
Rico is so cute! You guys look great together.
A wake-up like that can make the rest of most any day look great. I'm checking in to see if you've see the journal yet. ???
Yikes! Hard to forecast a morning like that! May you wake up the rest of the week (& year!) to nothing quite like that again!!! And hope those headaches fail to visit as well!!! Take extra good care of you!
Ohhh believe me. Lately I've been wanting to act out like the kitties. But I made my bomb Navajo tacos! Check out the story. I finally added it to the pics. :)
ugh...i woke to a similar experience from my dog on the rug -- she's housetrained, but rather than get me up in the middle of the night she decided to poo on the rug. good times. (rolls eyes).
Um, yuck. That is when we would play what my mom would call "Airplane putty". LOL!
Thanks for your beautifully honest coment to my blog. It means a lot to me, and I know it matters to others too.
ox to you!
~Michelle - I've had the boys pee on me, too. I also flew to the shower!
~Wenda - I think my participation in the journal project is on hold because I can't send or receive mail with any guarantee. Have you already received the journal?
~Alexandra - I hope it's at least a year for the poo and the headaches!
~La Fuerza - You've got to give me the recipe!! I make some bad-ass flour tortillas, but I've never tried sopapillas or navajo tacos.
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