Wednesday, October 11, 2006


- I just discovered my new favorite tv show. It's called Venus and Apollo (I think) and is in French. From what I can tell from this first episode I caught, it's about a beauty salon and the lives of the estheticians that work there. It was quirky, funny and full of racy humor. Just what I love!

This delicious discovery just aired on the most recent addition to the shitty cable package we have here - Fox Life. This channel alone has made our $60 cable bill worth it (that and the high speed internet). Whoever put together the show list on Fox Life is a genius. They have, like, 5 episodes of Law and Order daily, plus lovely extras that I'm just now discovering like the French show and Grey's Anatomy. I just saw Grey's Anatomy for the first time and liked it, but Venus and Apollo was so much better it really isn't fair to compare.

In other news...

- Homemade cat food has worked wonders. The boys have solid poo, shiny coats and absolutely no trace of the noxious farts they used to plague us with on a regular basis back when they ate crap commercial food. Victory!

- I had a great day at work today. I met with the banana client and had my faith renewed in my talents as a consultant. I understand his project, work well with him, and am confident that I can present this thing in a way that it will be cake to convince a financial institution to put in millions of dollars. It helps that this client's project is a virtual money factory, and that he is one of the best business-people I've ever come across. But it is a great feeling to know that he trusts me (and Rico) and thinks that I am a competent professional. I need more clients like this!

- Speaking of work, I've had a change of heart. I don't totally hate what I'm doing. The problem, I am convinced, is of my own creation. When I procrastinate and don't give it my all, I feel like shit. Not surprising. When I get down to it and really put my best effort into whatever project I'm doing, be it one that I'm thrilled by or not, it feels good. I feel good.

There's something at once liberating and sobering to realize that I am ultimately the source of all the barriers I perceive to hinder my path in life.

- My birthday is on Friday. I will turn 25. I am feeling one part sappy, one part excited and one part wise. It's an interesting combination.

- Rico arrives on Friday afternoon for a short visit. We will do as much celebrating and wrapping up of loose ends at work as possible in the 5 days he'll be in Mozambique.

- The hordes of miniature cockroaches that invade our kitchen and bathroom on a seasonal basis are back. I'm at the point where I've ceased to be creeped out by them and happily smash them out with my finger whenever necessary. Yes, I realize this is not completely normal behavior when it comes to dealing with cockroaches.

- I've been flossing on a surprisingly consistent basis. I'd say at least 5 days per week. This is a big accomplishment, folks. I plan to continue.

- I finally got up the courage to drop off my 2 favorite suits at the dry cleaner's down the street. It is my first professional laundry experience in this country. I love these suits. One is cream and made of corduroy, the other is made out of seersucker with skinny olive stripes. I am trying to remind myself that material things don't matter, but I think I might cry if the dry cleaner ruins these babies.

- Our maid announced today with an ear-to-ear grin on her face that she bought a new cell phone. She paid half of her monthly salary to buy this phone, all because her previous cell was, "too big." Her words.

Now there is nothing wrong with Dona Lídia buying a new cell phone. It think we all deserve to have new, fun things no matter what our social standing and respective purchasing power. The thing that gets me is that this is the same woman who just last week was complaining to me about not having enough blankets in the house to keep her kids warm. The same woman who tells me she doesn't have enough money to buy rice or milk for her family. My heart goes out to her and I always help when she comes to me with stories like this that hit my dual weak spots of 1) wanting to promote basic human rights, and 2) white western guilt.

I can't help but feeling played. Dona Lídia knows I won't deny her money/groceries/clothes when she comes to me with these stories about not being able to provide for her family. Smart woman. She knows I wouldn't give her money to buy a new, smaller cell phone when she already had one that worked perfectly well! Who cares if it is an old-school brick?!?

Priorities are obviously skewed here, and somehow through all of it I still manage to feel guilty. Fuck.

- When I was in the US on vacation last month I bought some John Frieda shampoo and conditioner at Walgreens. We were in a rush, so I got the "Brilliant Brunette" stuff that was formulated for "chestnut to espresso" instead of the more fitting (for my hair color) "amber to maple". I discovered on the plane home that this color formula crap turned my hair blue. BLUE!! My overgrown, already not so attractive blonde highlights are now the color of an old lady's hair.

- I'm hooked on crocheting. All I know how to make are headbands, but I've already cranked out 5 of them. Next step is to add beads and organza ribbon, then they'll be ready for the next crafts fair.

- It's time for bed. The sun rises ridiculously early here - by 6am it's completely light out - and pure, bright sunshine streams in the bedroom window making it difficult for me to sleep much past 6:30. Our curtains were pretty insatisfactory to begin with, but really the boys are to thank for this one. They tried to climb the curtains one day and the fabric simply gave out, ripping 2 gigantic holes in what used to be a nice green tribal pattern.

- Good night.


Monkey McWearingChaps said...

1) I am in awe of your craftiness. I am mostly failed at crafts (I tried to teach myself to knit from a book but failed miserably...someone will need to physically teach me) though I try very hard. I have had an easier time with fromagerie.

2) Where is your bf? On an extended project? I thought you guys lived together.

3) I go back and forth between hate and love for lawyering. At this point I can't see myself doing anything else.

Amber said...

I can't believe you are just a baby! 25. Wow. And you have done so much! You should be proud of yourself, love. ;) Just think what you will do in th enext 25!!


Ali Ambrosio said...

~monkey -

1)I'm crafty, that's for sure, but I can't follow patters. Rather I don't like to. I knit/crochet things that don't require counting stitches - things like scarves and headbands that I can just go on stitching until it seems about right.

2) Under normal circumstancs, Ricardo and I do live (and work) together. He's been back in Rio since the end of July to help his mom, who is recovering from some health problems. She's doing well, so he should be back here in MZ in mid-December.

3) Ditto, for consulting. Good to know I'm not the only one.

~amber - I *am* just a baby! I love my age, though, and like each year that passes more than the last. I can't wait to see what this one brings.

Kristine said...

Dang! I thought you were older! Give yourself so credit girl - you really have been living!

I love Grey's Anatomy. I'm glad your cats are good and that the food is working. I can't crochet for anything. My hands are too tense so everything turns into a tight knotted up ball. I am glad that work is gratifying to you. I don't know what to say about your maid. That's hard...
Have fun with Rico and happy birthday - I know I will wish you a great birthday again before Friday too!

kanuthya said...

venus and Apollo is indeed a french show. One of the actresses is Maria de Medeiros, she's Portuguese. She was also in the movie about Anaïs Nin and henry Miller, Henry and June, and in Pulp Fiction, remember? I've watched only a couple of times, it's good :)

Lacithecat said...

Hey! I am also in Maputo and my blog is profile is lacithecat. Drop by! I just arrived and well am pretty much in the same situation as you!


Mimey said...

Blue is good, I like blue! Maybe your hair is pushing you to be more adventurous and not too bothered about fashion. Which would be good advice for a certain mulher we could mention, too!

Anonymous said...

It's 13th already!!!!
Happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

Anonymous said...

BTW, I looooooooooooove Grey's Anatomy!!!!

Narrator said...

Don't feel guilty, for god's sake. If someone can shell for a new cell phone -- especially half a month's salary -- then her monetary problems are her own responsibility!!!!!! Reading that part made me so angry.

OK, now I want to wish you a happy birthday!!! Twenty-five, eh? It's all crow's feet from here, baby. Enjoy!


claireylove said...

Relieved to hear you're keeping up the flossing!

and why no pic of blue hair? Maybe blue FRINGED hair? ;-)

Mauricio said...

Feliz aniversário!!!!!!!

Felicidades, vc merece!