Saturday, July 21, 2007

Great Weekend

The Codeine isn't as fun as I'd thought it might be. I just feel generally groggy, as if life were in slow motion. But it is certainly working against my cough. I'm now able to go out in public and not fear that people will think I have some sort of seriously contagious illness like Tuberculosis.

We've been hanging out with this friend the last few days, as he is in the big city for a bit before returning to the little village up north where he is working. It's always nice to catch up, especially for Rico, as he has only 1 or 2 guy friends here and usually ends up hanging with a bunch of girls.

Our houseguest S. is back in town, too, after a week in Sofala Province working on an HIV prevention project. She is incredibly fun to hang out with, always up for whatever might be going on. It's nice to have her back.

We all ate lunch at the fish market this afternoon, which is always an experience. You purchase your fish/squid/prawns/etc. in bulk at market stalls, then take it all to a series of little kiosk-type restaurants behind the vendors. The restaurants will cook up your meal the way you like best, and it is usually delicious and fresh for a pretty good price. The only problem is that it takes for-e-ver for the food to be prepared.

After lunch we came back home and all had a nap. The plan is to go to Coconuts tonight, the big nightclub here in Maputo, for a concert by a woman called Dama do Bling. Her style is basically hip-hop, but with a Mozambican flavor. Should be lots of fun, and great for dancing, something I've been missing these last couple of weeks.

Thanks for all the well-wishes for my health. I am definitely feeling much better.

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