Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fuser and Lebston?

What's the definitive mark of a homey-home and someone who is putting down roots?

Why KITTENS, of course.

And what are Ricardo on our way to adpot this evening? TWO 6-week old rescue kittens!!

A friend of mine found these kittens a few weeks ago when she was walking in front of the Indian Embassy. Apparently someone didn't want the week-old kittens had thrown the poor things out with the garbage - literally. My friend heard a mewing noise as she passed by the Embassy's trash heap and found one kitten half-dead on the ground next to a trash bag. The other kitten - the one crying - was still inside the garbage bag where his sister had somehow managed to scratch or chew her way out. My friend scooped up both kittens and took them home to nurse them back to health. She is quite the animal lover, and just happened to have kitten formula in her house. Thanks to her loving care the kittens are both now in good health, eating dry cat chow, using the litter box, and ready to be adopted!

Ricardo has never had cats before, and is not really a "cat person". When my friend told me the story about the abandoned kittens, I instantly wanted to bring them home but was certain that Rico would balk at the idea of adopting a kitty. I mean one cat is already a pretty big proposition for someone who is not a lover of felines, but two? But I thought I might as well ask...and to my immense surprise, Rico looked at me and said, "If you want to get kittens, it's okay with me."

"What?? Are you serious??? You'd really want to have 2 kittens?"

"Yeah, I know it will make you happy so it's fine with me." Bless him. What a good boyfriend I have.

So now the big dillema is what to name our new kittens. We definitely want witty names, and are currently tossing around "Fuser" and "Lebston".

Fuser was inspired by "The Motorcycle Diaries" which we watched on DVD two nights ago. It was Ché Guevara's nickname, and pretty much what he is called throughout the entire film by his best friend and travelling companion. Said in a thick Argentine accent and followed by a string of expletives like "a la puta madre" or "te voy a partir las pelotas", Fuser is an exceptionally entertaining name.

Lebston is the brand name of our water heater and for some reason Rico and I find it to be just hilarious. Rico remarked the other day that Lebston sounds like the name of someone from the suburbs of Rio, and I have to agree. Brazilians - especially those from the suburbs - do love themselves an invented name. The place is chock-full of names like Waldenildo, Glauber, Robenilson, Crislaine, Francenildo, Darcileine...Lebson really isn't much of a stretch.


sara said...

Wow -- cats -- I'm so jealous!

Our two cats are currently living with my parents in Michigan, because I didn't want to subject them to a 24 hour flight in a cargo hold, and 6-9 months of Australian quarantine. But I miss them every day.

Can't wait to see pictures of the new family members!

Anonymous said...

Cruiser and the twins welcome their new cousins. Happy days!

Ali Ambrosio said...

Telfair -

I know what you mean about not wanting to subject animals to that kind of a flight. I took my cat from Austin to the Bay Area in CA (she went under my seat in a carrier) and it was so stressful - both for me and the cat - that I swore never to travel with animals again.

Always the problem with having pets when you lead a semi-nomadic lifestyle...