Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sweet Parceiro and Pria

Parceiro and Pria are now 6 weeks old and they are growing like weeds. They are more agile than ever, and each one has easily doubled in size since we brought them home...

Parceiro and Pria on the day they learned how to jump up on our bed. This is now one of their favorite spots for lounging and wrestling.

Curious as ever... They now take up about half of the meditation pillow. When we brought the kitties home, they were just little spots of fluff in a sea of fabric when they'd lie on this pillow, and Parceiro could fit in the palm of Rico's hand.

Me and Pria after a long day's work. I had stayed up until 2am working on a proposal for the IFC, and Pria kept me company by sleeping on my shoulder while I worked at the computer.

A quiet moment for our kitties. Shame that they only settle down during the day, and at night all they want to do is play, bite our ears, pounce on our toes. We've had to establish a no-cats-in-the-bedroom rule at least twice a week, otherwise Rico and I get no sleep at all.


Safiya Outlines said...

Your cats are so cute!

My cats used to have a habit of attacking my feet when I was bed, which they've grown out of thankfully, Although one of them still like to wake me up by patting me on the face!

sara said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe how much they've grown...I feel like a longlost traveler who's been gone a lot longer than a week and can't believe how much her friends & relations have grown & changed in the absence.