This lack of creativity in my life is more than absurd, it's unsustainable. There's something about creating with my hands that melts away my stress, that allows me to be free and juicy with my ideas. I don't know how I went an ENTIRE YEAR without doing any art!!!
It's safe to say, however, that I've made up for lost time. As of Monday afternoon I've logged a good 50 hours at the crafts table and have created 14 necklaces, 12 pairs of earrings, and a bracelet. They are all beautiful and I am a bit obsessed with staring at my jewelry as its laid out on the table. Every time I pass the living room on my way to the bathroom or to the kitchen for a cup of water, I am compelled totake a detour and admire my creations. I am very proud of myself!
Here are some photos of my work:

For some reason blogger won't let me upload any more photos. Very frustrating, especially since I've yet to show off my favorite creations. Because of the lack of beads and beading supplies here, I've gotten super resourceful with wire. Necessity really is the mother of invention; my most beautiful jewelry I would have never created had I not run out of hooks and clasps and beads. Hopefully I will be able to post some photos tomorrow.
In other news, I just got back from a dance class with my friend Nana. I was the only foreigner and the only white girl in the class. Today we learned some African dancing and some contemporary coreography. It was both aerobically and intellectually challenging to actually do the moves properly and then remember in which order I was supposed to do which one. I must say though, for someone who didn't grow up dancing these dances and listening to this type of music, I held my own pretty well. I just kept going back to the Nia principles of grounding my energy, moving authentically, and remembering that my body is a synergetic, connected system.
I have signed up for a month of classes - Mondays are belly dancing and samba, Wednesdays are salsa, merengue and an African dance whose name I don't remember, and Fridays are contemporary/modern dance and another African dance whose name I don't remember. I am looking forward to becoming more comfortable with the new steps I'm learning, and to possibly making some new friends. There is something about dancing together that makes it easier to build community. Who knows, after a while this might even be a good space for me to introduce Nia...
The jewellery is lovely! You are so talented. I liked the New Mexico inspired piece best.
Gorgeous jewelry!!
Ali, the jewlery you've made is really amazing. Beautiful and colorful, really loved it! Hope you will post more pictures soon.
As for the dance classes, I really would like to do something similar soon. :) Have a nice weekend!
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