Monday, January 04, 2010

Making Connections

I love it. I just answered an email from a guy who is from the Bay Area, lives in Brazil, is in Nigeria currently, and is doing a spontaneous trip to Maputo in a few days. I gave him tips on what to do in the city, where to stay, what delicious things to eat.

I am continually amazed at what has happened to my circle of friends as a result of my blog. Rico and I have been lucky and/or destined to meet some incredible people through this medium. J, who became our very-best-friend and was my maid of honor at our wedding; M and K, our mirror-couple in terms of nationality who now live in our old apartment; C and D, (who technically we met thanks to my jewelry work) who are front and center in this special group; T and M who have become my source for current Maputo blogging; M and D who hosted us in Joburg several times; J who I met in Rio and is a fellow jeweler and writer (and was also meant to be in our wedding until she got sick, poor thing; J and J, the sisters in France who feel like friends from long ago; Tia L who became our roommate in Maputo; B who hosted us for some badass churrascos; A and M, who were very close to us right from our first dinner together...

Seriously, the list goes on. It also isn't meant to be exclusive of anyone. There are many other fine friends out there - some of whom I've met, some I havent - who will appear in future posts, to be sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm so happy and proud to be part of this list ! :-)