Thursday, November 02, 2006


As I was writing the post below this morning, guess what the cat did?

That's right. Another brown one right in the middle of the sheets, this time almost fully solid and therefore slightly less revolting to clean up.

I wish I could say "just kidding" and ignore the fact that this is the 3rd time in about a month that the cat has shit on my bed.

What do I do?? Why is the cat acting out like this?

A few thoughts...

- Cat is feeling neglected (I left for a trip to the US, I don't play with them enough, etc.) and this is a way to get my attention. The boys sleep most of the day, and we play together in the morning and the evening for about 15 minutes each (usually I throw balls of crumpled up paper for them to chase), but maybe this isn't enough?

- Litterbox is unsatisfactory. We recently moved it onto the varanda and the boys access it through a cat door, which seems to be no problem. Also, the first poo on the bed incident happened when the box was still inside. They frequently hang out on the balcony and use the litter box on a regular basis. However, sometimes when it rains the cat litter can get wet. When this has happened I haven't changed the litter immediately, thinking it wouldn't be an issue because it's water, right? Maybe not...

- Cats becoming territorial, this is their way of acting out on all those hormones. They are brothers, 7 months old. I haven't really noticed them spraying or anything, but they are still intact and definitely play fight and do mock mating (yes, I know, it's pretty bizarre).

- Mattress is somehow impregnated with miniscule shit particles and therefore the smell attracts the cat to use my bed as a litter box. Do I throw out the mattress? Deep clean it? Keep the door to our room permanently shut?

I know that when you housebreak animals, every time the poo or pee in a place they're not supposed to, you're supposed to tell them "no", then take them to the appropriate place where they should use the toilet. Eventually the associate and learn where they are and aren't supposed to let fly. The problem is that I have yet to catch Pria shitting on the bed, with the exception of the other morning when I was *in* it and she took a poo anyway. I told her "no" and put her outside in the litterbox, but obviously it didn't work.

Help!! What do I do? This is getting out of control...


Ali Ambrosio said...

By the way, I'm pretty certain it's just Pria that is pooing on the bed, not both cats...

Amber said...

I would FOR SURE keep the door to the bedroom shut. Out of sight, out of mind. And also, I would not let the litter get wet. Cats don't like water on their paws, and if it feel wet, it might not feel like a good place to go. And the litter get ikcy. When we had a cat box for our Maggie, she would not use it if she had peed in it too much, even if I cleaned out the crap everyday.


Lacithecat said...

Oh shit! (and no pun intented!) Have you thought about getting two litter trays? It might be his way of asserting his space. And I definitely think that it has something to do with the first mistake (which sounded more biological than territorial) and smells remaining which causes him some desire to go there again. BTW - have you googled the problem to see what others have done in the same situation? I would right my best fried who is a vet by she is on holiday for the next three weeks in Cambodia. Ah ... and closing the door sounds like an excellentidea. See you tomorrow!

Solz said...

i think u shud shut the the door for a while and let it get used to the outdoor. then after sumtime u can go back to normal

Anonymous said...

I would shut the door and keep Pria enclosed in an area with a litter box. If you can shut him out on the balcony with food and litter tray to get him absolutely used to the litter box (and not your bed) it might work.

I think you need to have the bed changed too - I'd go for a new mattress at the same time as you keep Pria enclosed and then when he gets let out (after using the box properly) there will be a clean, non-stinky mattress.

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

Sometimes it's just a fetish.

Gundu pees on dirty laundry. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING in the world will convince him it isn't impossibly soft litter.

So, to deal my parents keep the closet door closed and for when he sneaks in...the laundry basket is kept upside down with the laundry TRAPPED underneath. So when they want to put dirty laundry in...they lift the edge of the overturned basket up and shove it inside the pile.

For a while they even got a really tall hamper with a lid...but he would just scale it, open the lid and tumble inside, piss himself and then spend the next hour crying.

The other cat Limbu has a hatred of computer bags. He will piss on one if it's within reach.

So, she's probably just crazy. Keep the bedroom door shut.

Mimey said...

I've just had a good read of your last few posts and have nothing in particular to say. Enjoyable reading, in a sympathetic way.

Nano going alright? (I'm supposed to be nannowing right now, bad me)

Feeling better?

Have you tried beating Pria? (I am joking, don't worry)

Or investigating the water issue and getting Pria to shit in the bed of whoever's responsible.

You must be so much stronger for all these experiences, aren't you glad of that?

Ali Ambrosio said...

~Amber - Yep, door is definitely going to be kept shut from now on. I'm doing double duty on the catbox cleanings, too.

~Lacithecat - If the problem doesn't get better, I'll get another litter tray. I think you're right about the smell lingering and making the bed an attractive poo spot.

~Bart - Thanks for the advice. It can be trying to get them to cooperate. I do feel this is good practice for children!

~Solz - Door is shut, for sure. The only problem is the cats can't go outside b/c I live in a flat in the middle of the city. They just go out on a varanda that is enclosed in wire.

~Ash - I'd love to get a new mattress but that's totally out of my budget right now. I've had to settle for throwing out the foam eggshell pad we kept on top of the mattress and hope that works.

~Monkey - Your cat sounds nuts! I had a good laugh imagining your parents' laundry basket.

~Jemima - My Nano-ing hasn't gone as well as I'd anticipated in the sense that my daily word count goal is not met and I've veered off on a tangent in the story that I didn't really plan on. But a good experience nonetheless.

Things are better here, I do feel better and we have water again, though not enough pressure to get it up into the shower head...

Annie Jeffries said...

Sorry to say but if you have a door on the bedroom doorway, ban the cat at all times. That was the solution that finally worked for us since nothing else did.

Willie Baronet said...

First thing I would do is a quick trip to the vet. :-)