This is now the 3rd consecutive day with no water in our flat. It will come on intermittently, for about 10 minutes, thought I don't know if you can really classify the pathetic trickle that drips from the faucet as the water being "on."
I have a really, really important meeting this morning and all I want to do is have a good shower. It's an integral part of my routine to pump myself up for important meetings. I have to feel good (meditate, stretch, have tea), look good (hot shower, blow dry hair, put on a cute suit and heels, do makeup), and convince myself that I am actually a competent professional (lots of mind games). In a few minutes I'm off to have another sponge bath using the 20-liter canister and a juice pitcher. I guess I'll have to wear my extra sexy heels to compensate feeling grungy.
If this meeting goes well, we may be on our way to raising funds for a US $19.5 million project that we put together for a client last year. It would be a miracle...
I'd like to comment on how my day has been cat shit-free thus far, but I'm afraid of what that kind of comment may bring around later in the evening. I'll remain quiet.
I started NaNoWriMo last night and it was an interesting experience. I'd prepared an outline of what I wanted to write and had a goal of 1,667 words. I managed to write 1,420 words, but about a topic that veered significantly from my outline and plans for the storyline at that point. I'm not upset, though. I really do prefer to write by intuition, without restrictions or trying to force myself in any particular direction. This is especially true when writing about my own life - if I just let go, things seem to fall in place quite nicely. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Sorry to hear about the water still being an issue. Last night, after work, I only wanted a hot shower, and guess what, there wasn't any such water to use :) It got back to working this morning, but it still was enough to understand your frustration. Keep up the good work with the novel.
It really is frustrating not to be able to have a shower when you want one!
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