Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Glasses Lost to Joburg

I loved to wear these glasses to the beach. Here I am on a sunny afternoon in Rio enjoying the sun with my friend Maura. Doesn't she have the most fabulous smile?

Showing off the glasses once again, this time on the shores of Chicamba Real dam near Chimoio. Rico and I seem to have a lot of photos together just like this one, taken at arm's length and wearing sunglasses. If it weren't for my memory, I'd never know where each one was taken.


Bart Treuren said...

you both have fabulous smiles sunshine, and the photo of yourself and ricardo speaks volumes... pity about the sunglasses, but it's a well-made photo nevertheless :D

will catch up on you soon... matters are moving too rapidly and dislocatingly here at the moment...

keep well, my dear ;-)

Safiya Outlines said...

Aww... better to have loved and lost my dear. ;-)

Btw, I wrote my dear before looking and seeing Bart had done the same.
Must be the photos!

Alina said...

True, you do have fabulous smiles. And the glasses look great. I for one have a problem finding glasses...They are all too big for my face and I look like a crazy frog :D

Anonymous said...

It must be the combination of necessity and vanity that make losing a pair of sunglasses so painful... I also have a strong attachment to mine -- both prescription and non-prescription -- and would cry bitterly if they were lost!

Ali Ambrosio said...

Yes, certainly is a combination of necessity and vanity. For my prescription sunglasses, I guess it's more necessity (can't get any cool frames when you have to put big lenses inside) - but these chic plastic glasses...definitely vanity!

Narrator said...

Beautiful smiles all 'round. Ali, you should be arrested for being so pretty.

_+*Ælitis*+_ said...

I like them :) i'd like to find some which would suit me fine :)