Monday, September 19, 2005

Finally, some pictures!

I´ve been especially lax in taking pictures here in Mozambique...I don´t know...something about walking around with a camera here makes me feel even guiltier than usual, like somehow I´m fulfilling the typical white-tourist-firstworld-exploiter role if I take photos of the Mozambicans and their daily lives as I walk around.

Anyway, I´m making an effort here in Maputo and have a couple of photos to share. Actually, this morning as Ricardo and I were riding around in Abdala´s beat-up taxi, I was lamenting the fact that I haven´t sucked it up and taken more photos. I realized that having a purpose for taking photos would make me feel better about the whole thing...some sort of pretext so that I could interact a bit with the people I´d be photographing. I need a theme, like Women of Mozambique or Market Vendors or something...a reason other than that I am a curious tourist that wants to take a snapshot.

So these photos were taken in Maputo last week...Enjoy!


Bart Treuren said...

hey... looking nice and relaxed, the both of you :D

Anonymous said...

adorei as fotinhos!!!
vc tá linda, como sempre, não sei nem pra q to escrevendo isso...
vcs fazem um casal fofo, não me lembrava de vocês dois juntos! hahahah! :o)
e o lugar é ma-ra-vi-lho-so!!!

oh, vou perdoar pq vc deve ter mta coisa pra pensar e deve tá fazendo uma porrada de coisa por ai, mas ONTEM SUA RAPARIGA, FOI MEU ANIVERSÁAAAAAAARIOOOOOOOOOOOO!
tô deprimidaaaaaaaa! 24 anos, ninguém merece... nem filho eu tenho! nem casada eu sou! puta q pariu! hahahhahah!
e ontem minha família louca insana conheceu a family do Ricardo, correu tudo bem, adorei!! e ganhei mtos presentes, mto foda, Burr! ganhei 3 flores no Ricardo!!!! foi chegando aos poucos, uma de cada vez, mto fofo!! amei, depois vou te mandar umas fotos...
bjus mil, Rafitcha

Anonymous said...

nice pictures, haven't checked in a bit. been getting myu ass chewed by my boss, learning the hard way!