Friday, May 29, 2009

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Mine, that is...

After a week of field work in northern Zambézia and southern Nampula, I have returned to Maputo. It was an intense, crazy week - much more so than I could have ever expected. I randomly met up with someone I'd not seen in 12 years, ran across a potential money laundering-type situation in the middle of rural Mozambique, had a good look into the lives of Catholic priests, ate a lot of chicken and xima, was surrounded by curious children and adults in remote communities, and honed my interview skills alongside my colleague A.

All this in the course of learning about the milling business. It was quite the trip.

More stories to come once I have decompressed a bit.


NOLA said...

Sounds very interesting! What is xima? Like Fufu of West AFrica?

Anonymous said...

Olá Ali, como vai vc e o Rico?
Amei seu Blog. Até me inspirei em estar reativando o meu que estava esquecido na rede e o remodelando...apagando uns topicos...Pois eu só trancrevia o que eu lia de interesaante por aí.Tinha preguiça de escrever. rs

Um beijo grande para vc e o Rico, muita saúde e sucesso!

Rúbia (Filha da Mary Help, amiga da sua sogrinha Emilia.
Rio de janeiro)

Ali Ambrosio said...

~Nola - Xima is the equivalent of Fufu. It is usually made out of maize meal, but can be made out of manioc, sorghum or other grains during the lean season in particular, or depending on the person's preference. Very filling stuff!

~Rúbia - Tudo bem? Que legal saber que você está lendo o blog, e que você também escreve. Manda um beijo pra sua mãe.