Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bananas, Bananas, Bananas

Bananas, bananas, bananas, bananas...

Yes, this means I'm working - while on vacation - but it was something I'd anticipated.

I'm actually not sad about being at the laptop, working on the seemingly interminable business plan for our client's expansion project.

(It feels really good to be working. Getting stuff accomplished. Getting rid of that nagging feeling in my stomach that I have unfinished business I've been putting off.)

The business plan should be done by next week. I can't wait.

Then all we have to do is cross our fingers and hope that we are able to raise $10 million for this project.

PS - not that you would have ever had occasion to repeatedly type the word "bananas", but in writing this post I discovered it's really hard. Go on, try it! It reminded me of doing warm-up exercises when I used to play the piano, or practicing some horribly difficult series of eighth-notes vs. triplets, trying to get the pattern to physically sink into my fingers.


Amber said...

Is the business having to do with bananas? lol! Is that why you have them on the brain?

i always mispell banana. i always do bannana.


Kristine said...

I understand that nagging feeling very well... Having in there! I will see you tomorrow!

Safiya Outlines said...

Aside from you the well-done-with-your-work wishes, have your heard of a Brasilian band called Cansei de ser sexy? They've got a lot of stuff on You Tube, it's pretty interesting.

Ali Ambrosio said...

~Amber - Why yes, funny you should ask. hahaha. The business is a banana plantation!

~Kristine - I can't wait!

~Paris Parfait - Yes, I plan to celebrate big time when the final version is finally submitted.

~Safiya - I've heard of Cansei de ser sexy, but I've not actually listened to any of their music. I'll check it out on YouTube.

btw, I've been trying to get one of those digital music players embedded in my blog so I can share music w/ you no avail. I suck at this type of stuff.

African Kelli said...

Fingers crossed! That would be awesome. And I can't manage to escape my work either.