Don't forget to put your name in the hat for the Alexandra Amaro bracelet giveaway! Details can be found here. Deadline to enter is tomorrow, June 30th. (and thanks to everyone who has already submitted their comment form! it's been great to see who all is out there.)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Jewels and Gols
Don't forget to put your name in the hat for the Alexandra Amaro bracelet giveaway! Details can be found here. Deadline to enter is tomorrow, June 30th. (and thanks to everyone who has already submitted their comment form! it's been great to see who all is out there.)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Feira Junina Crafts Fair in Maputo

These crafts fairs, organized by CEDARTE, are where I gained a lot of confidence and experience as a jewelry artist. It's nice to see them continuing to promote art made in Mozambique.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
La Vida Expatica #4: New Allegiances
'La Loca' of All Trades
Friday, June 25, 2010
A Few Ways in Which Mozambique Changed Me
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Alexandra Amaro Jewelry Giveaway!
Do you love summer, bright colors, and centuries-old treasures?
Do you like winning free jewelry?
(I thought so!)
In honor of my favorite season, I've decided to do the first-ever Alexandra Amaro jewelry giveaway: the Fiesta Fada Bracelet. This cheerful bracelet features a mix of 300-year-old trade beads recovered from shipwrecks off the coast of Mozambique Island. These special beads are then paired with turquoise, lapis lazuli, angelite, coral and sterling silver to create an upscale-boho design.
Contest Rules:
Using the Contact Form on the Alexandra Amaro website, tell me how you found my blog or my jewelry site. Know me in "real life"? Drop a line just to say hi!
Everyone who sends me a message using the Contact Form between June 22 - June 30 will be entered in the drawing. On July 1st, I will have Rico draw the winning name from a hat.
Yes, I will ship internationally. No, I will not fill your inbox with spam and unwanted junk. You can expect an email newsletter from me quarterly at most.
Happy summer (to all those in the Northern Hemisphere) and best of luck to all!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
La Vida Expatica #3: The Essential Items for Travel
This time, however, I'd like to touch on the practical, ultra-useful items that are at the top of the list for any trip, long or short. As expats, we (hopefully) learn to travel light, to use products that have multiple functions, to bring clothing that transitions easily from day to night. I'd imagine we have some awesome tips to share.
As I get ready to pack yet another suitcase (we're going on a little jaunt to the Houston-area for a friend's wedding), I'd like to invite you to share the top five items you absolutely must have in your suitcase, be it for a weekend trip or for a year-long posting.
Mine are:
1. large pashmina-style scarf (I'm always cold)
2. earplugs
3. pair of ultra-comfortable ballet flats (my faves are Born brand)
4. havaianas (gets you through beaches and icky showers)
5. mascara (favorite is YSL)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Today Was One of Those Days
SHIT, I thought, not again*.
I'd forgotten Father's Day. Or so I thought for about 20 minutes until I frantically went on to pick out a present for overnight shipment, debating whether to cook up an excuse or just be straight and admit I'd forgotten, and saw a page full of grills and gadgets and geeky stuff perfect for Dad.
It's next Sunday. Sigh of relief. My present's already in the mail.
Then I got ready for a nice, productive day all by myself here at Casa Cali. Rico and my mom had an all-day meeting, so I was looking forward to organizing my office, making some jewelry, doing laundry and catching up on emails. We only have one car, so I was ready to spend the whole day at home.
It was too good to be true, though. I soon discovered I'd spaced a workout session with my trainer at 4pm - all the way in Oakland. And I had no car.
Thankfully my mom lives about a 30-minute walk from our house. I managed to email her in the middle of their meeting and get permission to use her car. I'd have to go on an unexpected walk, but I thought I'd solved my logistical problem...until I remembered that I HAD NO DRIVER'S LICENSE. It had stayed in Rico's wallet after our jaunt to the local bar yesterday to watch the World Cup game.
Shit. Again.
Still, I thought I'd go ahead and risk it. I walked to my mom's house, got her spare key, found her car in the building's garage, and promptly hit another obstacle. I couldn't figure out how to get the damn garage gate open from the inside without the clicker. My mom had said there was a box where you could use the key to open the door, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
I went in search of the maintenance man to help me, but he was nowhere to be found. I finally had to ask some random couple walking their dog if they could show me how to open the garage door from the inside. I tried to put on my most innocent, "I'm not trying to steal anything or break in" face possible.
The stupid key box turned out to be about the size of a walnut and was hidden all the way in the darkest corner of the parking garage. I never would have found it without that neighbor.
So then, after all the car and garage drama, I was finally with vehicle and on my way to the studio in Oakland to work out, praying for no cops along the way.
Upon arrival, my trainer - who is never, ever, ever late - wasn't there. Turns out she didn't have me in her schedule. I managed to work out with another trainer who was free at that time, but still, I felt so crazy.
I NEVER have days like this, where everything seemingly goes wrong, or at least deviates significantly from the plan. Sometimes I have a little scheduling hiccup, or forget about a doctor's appointment...but a whole sequence of stuff is rare. It sort of knocked me off kilter, so I'm doing what any sane girl would do at the end of a day like this:
* Last year I forgot my Dad's birthday, and couldn't believe I'd make a similar mistake two years in a row.
Friday, June 11, 2010
CCA 1st Semester: Jewelry/Metal Arts I
It's also hard as hell for an intro-level class.
After the first week, once students had an idea of what J/MA I would consist of, at least 4 people dropped the course. The rest of us soldiered through what would prove to be a semester full of learning, experimentation, lots of frustration, and some triumphs.
Working with metals is no joke. The technical aspect alone is so challenging that it's tempting to make the design aspect an afterthought. But it's art school, so clearly that wasn't an option. Instead we put in studio time. Lots and lots and lots (and lots) of studio time.
Over the course of the semester, we made only four projects in J/MA I. Approximately three to four weeks per project, save for our ring assignment which only took one. There are many dozens of hours dedicated to each project, sometimes for a deceptively simple end product.
This was one of the main changes for me in terms of how I look at jewelry design and production. Prior to taking J/MA I at CCA, the longest I'd ever spent on one projet was probably about 5 hours, including design time. Now I've made pieces that take upwards of 60 hours of production time, and that's only the beginning.
Previously I'd let my materials inform my designs. This was, in part, a forced decision due to the relative lack of jewelry-making materials in Mozambique. I worked with what I had, resulting in astronomical creativity but little planning. My jewelry was intuitive, my process completely flexible and spontaneous.
Now it's just the opposite. I must plan extensively for each piece, including to-scale drawings and cardstock models. I make technical models and sample pieces to test the way a particular piece of wire will bend or the exact color a patina will produce. It's a lot of work, and I'm still getting used to the process. Regardless, I can see the massive jump in the level of my pieces, not just because I have learned new technical skills but because of the sheer amount of time I dedicate to my jewelry.
Here are photos of the jewelry I made this semester. I already posted these images on Facebook, but there are important people in my life who read this blog but are anti social networking, so I thought I'd re-post.
My very first attempt at metalsmithing. The assignment was to make a piece of jewelry based on a personal symbol. I chose the African Daisy, a flower that is able to flourish in any environment. I used layers of brass and copper to make a pendant, then stamped and sawed away at the metal to create the desired effect. I used a cluster of sterling silver rivets in the center of the flower to give texture and put a very dark patina on the copper so it turned black.
This project was insanely difficult. I had problems getting the circles to solder together, and the cluster of rivets pushed my technical skills. Getting the patina to get as dark as I wanted it was also hard. Overall, though, I was really pleased with how the pendant turned out. I plan to put it on a long, thin leather cord and wear it to death.
Our second project was to make a sterling silver ring. Here are some of my initial sketches for the project. I was drawn to curvy, floral shapes initially, but then I remembered how hard it is to saw curves in small pieces of metal. So I decided on a very precise, geometric design to make my life easier since we only had a week to work.
I actually designed the ring for Rico, and he now wears it on his right forefinger. It suits him perfectly - I'll have to get a photo at some point.
Our third project was to take an organic object and abstract it to get inspiration for a piece of jewelry or small sculpture. I chose a piece of star coral that I'd found on the beach in Mozambique. These are my initial studies of the piece of coral, and of a few other items in my collection of sea treasures. I was especially interested in the shapes inside the pores on the coral's surface. They looked like tiny, cell-like flowers, repeated endlessly in a perfect illustration of 'organized chaos'.
I took some inspiration from the Ibo Island metalsmiths and thought about a chain-maille style necklace using the floral shape from the pores on the coral's surface. Each daisy-like component started out as a straight piece of wire, which I then shaped by hand and soldered shut. I ended up using 78 tiny flowers for my necklace.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Cherry Fanatic
A couple of weekends ago, I convinced Rico to go with me to Brentwood, an agricultural town in the Sacramento delta, to pick our own cherries. His immediate reaction was like Why on earth would anyone drive for 45 minutes in order to pay to pick fruit in the heat of summer? but he indulged me and we ended up having a great time. At least I did. I think Rico just enjoyed seeing me act like a child on Christmas as I searched for the darkest, biggest, juiciest cherries in the orchard.
After about 30 minutes of picking, we had 11 pounds of cherries and decided to call it a day. True to form, I ate about 6 of those pounds of cherries in the following week. When the fabulousness of the fresh fruit had weaned, I decided I'd make jam. I'm happy to report it was a successful project, and I now have all of the home canning supplies necessary to make jam out of the endless blackberries that have taken over our garden. Should be a tasty summer!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Reciprocating the Love
While I don't foresee a meet-up in the immediate future (the girls live in France), I can still share a bit of the love here. Both Jo Ann and Jess have been awesome supporters of my life-change to become a jewelry artist, and they were kind enough to feature my work on their sites.
First Jess ran this very cool intro to my jewelry on her blog, Cartas à Filó-sofia. It's written in Portuguese, but is still worth checking out for the non-lusophone out there because she has a smashing fashion sense, lives in Paris, travels a lot and takes lovely photos documenting it all. If you can read her words, you're in for a treat as she is a talented writer as well.
Then Jo Ann, Jess' older sister, did this in-depth interview with me as part of her ongoing series of portraits on writers and artists. The original interview was conducted in English, then she translated it into French, the language of her blog. Jo Ann is a writer herself - like the "real" kind, with published novels and no alternate day job - and she really knows how to capture someone's personality and story by just asking 10 questions. If you are a writer or artist and are in need of a professional yet engaging biography, you should very definitely contact Jo Ann through her portraits site Jo Ann Ècriture.
Now, if only airfare were just a tad cheaper right now so I could say thanks in person...
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Mozambique Island: Summer 2010 Collection
I find such pleasure in figuring out how to transform these special old beads, especially since no two are exactly alike and many are so weathered by the centuries under the Indian Ocean that it's hard to imagine them in an elegant design. By mixing them with silver, gemstones and pearls they take on a new life, dressed up and ready for cocktail parties and jet-setting holidays.
Blue Tesouro Necklace - antique trade beads, lapis lazuli, freshwater and swarovski pearls, sodalite, sterling silver
Black Tesouro Necklace - antique trade beads, onyx, freshwater and swarovski pearls, smoky quartz, sterling silver
Fiesta Fada Bracelet - antique trade beads, lapis lazuli, coral, turquoise, angelite, sterling silver
I am in the process of listing these and many more pieces from the Summer 2010 collection on the Alexandra Amaro site. Have a look and let me know what you think!