Monday, June 26, 2006

Elephants at Seba Camp

Botswana is known for its elephants, and Seba Camp certainly didn't disappoint. On our second day of the safari, we came across a breeding herd of elephants as we drove around the sand trails of the bush.

Max, our guide, turned off the Land Cruiser's engine and we sat observing the massive animals in silence. To the side of the herd were a couple of giraffes eating leaves. I squealed in delight like a little kid when I spotted a baby giraffe, not 2 meters tall, next to its momma. Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the little giraffe, but it was amazing to watch everyone interact and graze in harmony...

...That is until one of the big boys decided we were altogether too close for comfort. He asserted his dominance by coming hearth-thumpingly close to our vehicle and trumpeting a warning call.

After sending us a clear message that WE were invading HIS territory, the big elephant ambled out of sight and took everyone, including the giraffes, into the bush with him.


Willie Baronet said...

You realize of course, that you will be my total hero if you take some pics of cheetahs. :-)

Mimey said...

Those animals are real.

It's like, I know animals exist, but, y'know, somehow, I've managed to keep a safe distance all my life. Interesting :-)

sara said...

Man, I am so jealous...I didn't get to see ONE elephant in South Africa (we ran out of time!)

These pictures make me feel better, though -- like I'm there, too.