Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Guess What? I'm Bored at Work!

And, as usually happens in these hours when I have absolutely nothing to do at the office because, ahem, *somebody* hasn't provided me with an adequate workload, I turn to my best friends Wikipedia and Google.

Today's bit of wisdom is brought to you thanks to my new South African friend A. (who is super cool and will be staying 4 years - 4 years!! - in Maputo along with her equally cool husband), who explained the origin of a word I've been wondering about for ages the other night while Rico and I were over at their house for a braai.

The puzzling word in Portuguese is babalasa. It means "hangover", and, as far as I know, is only used in Mozambique. In Brasil, you say ressaca, the same word that is used to describe the ocean when it is all choppy and full of giant swells before or during a storm. I wonder how they say "hangover" in Angola or Portugal?

Anyhow, I mentioned the word babalasa while at the braai, and A. was like, "Oh, in Afrikaans it is babalas!" Immediately the origin of the word in Mozambican Portuguese became obvious. I Googled it, and satisfied my curiosity.

I find it interesting the extent to which South Africa has influenced language in Mozambique (not to mention the influence in food, shopping habits, fashion, etc.). Other words commonly used here that come to mind are braai, bakkie, lekker, Handy Andy, Sunlight, baas, job, nice...


kanuthya said...

You say ressaca in Portugal and Angola ;)
actually, i can only think of that word to hangover, while There are tons of words for being drunk, since it is a national hobby.
Missed you. Getting organized and hope to get back to blogging soon.

kanuthya said...

*for hangover... :/