Friday, April 17, 2009

Aproveitando o Fim-de-Semana

Taking advantage of a few days to myself while Rico is up in Zambézia Province working on some business plans, this weekend I am:

- baking the most delicious banana chocolate-chip muffins with soft brown sugar instead of the granulated kind;

- finishing a custom jewelry order for a friend, including a fabulous necklace of chunky Ilha de Moçambique trade beads with assymetrical accents of Hill Tribes silver;

- learning herringbone weave with silver wire;

- designing and making Rico's 30th birthday ring;

- trying to build a light box so I can improve my jewelry photos (the current quality of my photos is a massive pet peeve of mine);

- enjoying the first mugs of hot chocolate this year (granted it's still super warm out, but I'm embracing the slightly cooler weather for all it's worth);

- working on a strategic plan for my jewelry business;

- doing a few observational sketches (my goal is to learn how to do portraits decently);

- catching up with my parents on the phone;

- cuddling two kittens and a big bruiser of a cat;

- having breakfast with a girl I met through the blog who recently moved to Maputo;

- exercising on the treadmill;

- drinking vinho verde;

- sleeping.


Liz Butler Evans said...

Ali, have you seen this DIY light box?

Here's a picture I took in the one I made:

My cats destroyed the tissue paper in mine, but while it was intact I was happy with it.

Ali Ambrosio said...

~Liz - Awesome, thank you so much for the link. I'll have to hide mine from the gatos lest it meet the same fate as yours.