Friday, December 22, 2006

One Bad, One Sweet

This is the Bad Boy, lounging in the most appropriate spot for a cat - the dish drying rack in the kitchen. The Bad Boy has been particuarly naughty these days. The current tally is one revenge poo and one revenge pee. Can anybody explain to me how a cat that is still technically a kitten can expel over a liter of liquid?

This is the Sweet Boy, who has learned in the last week how to turn on the faucet of the sink so that he can play with the water stream and douse everything in the kitchen in the process. My guess is that the Bad Boy put him up to it. :)


Alina said...

Well, Ali, looks you'll have two bad boys soon! :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Ali, that water faucet picture is just the best. As the owned human of many cats over many decades, the stories of their humorous antics are endless. Looks like Sweet Boy is giving you plenty and when Bad Boy gets over his snit, he'll be adding to the fun memories.

Kristine said...

I just thought of you this morning while talking to my mom. She's getting ready to come up here for the weekend. The cat knows something is up. She pooped on the couch this morning...

Mauricio said...

Oi Ali!!!!

Boas festas com muita paz e saúde!!

Um 2007 cheio de alegrias :o)

Nos vemos no próximo ano.

Mimey said...

They are soooo cute, and I know I couldn't care for a cat really, but I'm a bit heartbroken that none of my presents is lively kitten shaped ;-)

Happy holidays, sweetie, Jx