Our first assignment in my Sculpture I class is to make 50 sculptures. We can use any materials, they can be any size, and we can create intuitively or have a specific concept. We're also encouraged to be eco-friendly in our materials choice and our processes. We've been challenged not to buy anything for the project, rather use only found, borrowed, or already-owned objects in our work.
I decided to make 50 "sculptures" using my childhood postcard collection. I've collected postcards since about the 4th grade. Many of them I bought as souvenirs on various trips around the US and abroad; others were sent to me by friends and family over the years. Until now, my postcards have sat in a box in the closet, tucked safely away but essentially out of sight and subsequently out of mind.
I'm cutting up each postcard into a floral shape, pasting together the petals, then will string them together on fishing line. At the end of each strand I will create a small wire sculpture to act as a weight. The strands of postcard flowers will hang from a circular wire structure, sort of like a veil. From the outside the viewer will see all of the colors; from the inside of the mobile, they will see the white side of the postcards, some of which have writing and stamps, and a small center of color taken from the printed side of the card. I imagine this will be almost a floor-to-ceiling work once it's finished next week.
I've really enjoyed the process of making the postcard flower mobile. I like the idea of reducing clutter in my home, and it's been refreshing to "get over" the sentimental ties that lead us to cling to things from our past. Part of me didn't want to cut up the postcards, as they were these precious mementos from people and places I may never see again. However, the memories didn't fade with the cuts, and now I will have a beautiful object to display that will actually remind me more of what I want to hold on to than a hidden box of postcards ever could.
Wow, that sounds really amazing! Would you be willing to post a photo of it when you're finished??
Uau! What a nice art project! As a owner of a post cards collection, firstly I thought how you were crazzy...
But, as a historian, it was realy nice to read, at the end, when you wrote about memories and moments... !
Waiting for next pictures!
Calder's mobiles are just genius...what a great concept! You will get to keep it after class is over, right?
~Mandi - I'll definitely post a photo when it's finished. We have our critique Wednesday, so check back next week for a photo.
~Isabela - I have to say I agreed in the beginning that I was crazy...but it feels so good to have a work of art that has rid me of clutter and made me remember a lot of good times and people that I hadn't thought about in ages.
~Stacie - We just saw the video of his circus in class yesterday! Amazing stuff. Yes, I get to keep the mobile after it's finished (I think I'd freak out otherwise!)
What a fabulous idea!
I think I'll do the same with my (20 or so souvenir) postcards just lying in a drawer and do a mobile for the babies :)
I am looking forward to seeing the finished work of art.
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