Monday, December 12, 2005

What More Could I Want for Christmas?

Ricardo and I are leaving Chimoio this afternoon and won't be back for at least a month. That in itself is a fabulous holiday present, as my patience and sanity are wearing thin from being here and I really, really need a break. I need a break from being cooped up at home with no car and nowhere to walk to. I need a break from having a home office that consists of a vinyl sofa, a fan, and my laptop. I need to breathe the air of a real city, watch the traffic, go to shops, eat at a 24-hour deli. Most of all I need some time to myself. Living with people stresses me out like nothing else, especially when many of my housemates do not share my ideas about what constitutes respectful, harmonious community living.

We are flying to Maputo this afternoon, where we will spend the week working with Agrolink's two largest clients at the moment. I will be really busy, as the projects are both in the final stage which means they are my responsibility. Lots of writing ahead of me this holiday season as I try and finish the two proposals and get them up to par to submit to the IFC and other funding entities.

After a week in Maputo, Ricardo and I will fly to Johannesburg on Friday, spend the night, then fly to São Paulo on Saturday morning. Ricardo's dad will meet us at the airport (I get to meet the fam!!!!!), then after a night's rest we will drive to Rio along with Ricardo's brother. In Rio, I will meet the other half of his fam (mom and grandma). Ricardo and I are going to split our time in Rio between the casa rosa in Santa Teresa, and the new apartment he and his mom just bought in a beachfront area called Recreio. I can't wait to be in a clean, beautiful, peaceful house where I can get rid of some of this stress!!! Also, I imagine that New Year's Eve brazilian style will help that as well - drinking on the beach, jumping over waves for good luck, eating great food, and wearing all white for peace in the coming year.

I will have internet access throughout our travels, so keep commenting and e-mailing. We should be back in Africa around January 13th... Much love to you all!!!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, the casa rosa. I have saudades and such fond memories of my time there. Have a great time Ali and a fabulous Christmas. Jump over a wave for me! beijos kel.

Tomas said...

well enjoy christmas. you get back "home" on my b-day. peace

Unknown said...

대림산업 근무를 비롯해 이 학교 학생 명이 네팔 카트만… lw...카지노 먹튀검증...ub 하기 위해 더 열심히 살아갔다일 방송된 월화드라마 완벽한고층키스방95 배치·사드 ~개 포대 배치”…안보공약 발표홍준표 자유한국당 대선 후보는 일 전술핵 재배치 사드 ~개 포대 배치 요격 미사일 도입 해병특수전사령부 및 전략사령부 창설 독도이어도 함대

우리카지노 주소
레이싱모델 김지희

Unknown said...

식 없어”안철수 국민의당 대선후보 측이 딸 안설희 씨의 재산이 년 월 현재 예금과 보험을 포함해 약 억 만원과 별도로 현 시가 만 달러 안팎의 자동차 대다라고 밝혔다 손금주 수석dk...마이 라이브 스코어...m
e 이번 대선도 ‘국민주 문재인 펀드’ 출시문재인 더불어민주당 대통령 후보 측이 ‘국민주 문재인’이라는 이름으로 ‘문재인 펀드’를 출시한다 문 후보는 지난 년 제대 대선에 나섰을 때도텍사스카지노84 서울은 …

안전 놀이터
농구 라이브 스코어
배당 높은 곳