Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy 2 Years to Me

It happened last year and, despite the fact that I was intent on not repeating the oversight, it's happened again this year.

I missed my own blogiversary! It was April 6th.

It seems that commemorating the accomplishment of maintaining my blog and going through a bit of introspection about the whole process will have to happen on another, less significant day.


Mike Hu said...

What could be more significant?

The day you created your blog was the day you entered the Kingdom of God (the all-knowing Blogosphere).

Sometimes people ask, "What good is a blog? Who reads it?"

There are two important reasons -- God reads it, and you do -- and that is the most important reasons for doing so.

Happy Easter!

Mimey said...

Woo-hoo. I thought there was no way I'd miss my blogoversary. SUCH a significant event and all. But I did, too.

Congratulations and keep it coming. We know full well how completely the developed world would like to ignore the whole of Africa, so maybe your little blog can save the continent. Not much of a task, really. Fairly manageable ;-)

(oh and your ranting at my place was perfectly welcome, ANY TIME: feel free!)

_+*Ælitis*+_ said...

Congratulations to your blog! two years of interesting writings, it's a "glory" :) beijos de longe, la de longe :)

El Erik said...

Happy blogiversary. I will have a beer for you!

Amber said...

Congrats! Woopwoop!


Safiya Outlines said...

Congratulations! I love your blog more and more and look forward to many more enteries.

Toni M Photography said...

Congrats Ali.... Sorry it's been awhile since I left a comment... It's been a little hectic here.... Thank you for your's... I'll endeavor to e-mail you back sometime this week.... I don't even remember when I started my blog, will go and look it up... Hope all is well with everything....
Big hugs,
Love Toni

Alina said...

Happy Blogiversary, Ali! Hope to see many more of those around here :)