We picked them up from my friend's house last night and got them settled in here at the flat. The boy is pretty laid back, but full of personality. He also gets these urges every once in a while to make mad dashes across the floor, running at top speed until his little legs can't keep up anymore and he takes a tumble. The girl is extremely adventurous and loves to climb up our legs, hurl herself at the wicker couch and crawl her way up, play with my hair and earrings, and explore new places. In fact soon after we brought the kittens home, the little girl took a cruise around the kitchen and decided that a good place to explore would be the back of the refrigerator. Ricardo and I had a moment of panic as he pulled the cat out of the innards of the fridge and I made a mad dash for the plug in the wall. Needless to say the kitchen and the bathroom and any other "fun" place are now officially off-limits to kitties.

As you can see, they are still really small - only 4 and a half weeks old. The little boy curled up at one point in the palm of Rico's hand and fell asleep. So cute!

The kittens have barely begun to eat solid food, with the staple food in their diet these days is baby food (due to a lack of appropriate kitten chow in Mozambique). Last night I got a lot of practice wiping baby food off their faces and fur. Little kitties are not very coordinated, and these two do quite a bit of stepping in their own food and in general making a huge mess.
Ricardo also made them a transition litter box by cutting down the sides of a cardboard box. The cat box we bought at the store is still way too high for the kittens, so we've had to improvise a bit. They are *almost* litter box trained and so far we've had a couple of accidents because they kitties are so small they sometimes can't make it across the room to the cat box in time. I spent a good part of last night and this afternoon cleaning up cat turds from our wooden floor... The crowning glory came this morning, however, when I picked up the kittens and put them in bed with Ricardo for an early cuddle session. The kittens loved being on the bed and we were having a great time playing when Rico noticed a big puddle on the sheet. Oops, playtime over! Not such a nice way to wake up after all...
But in spite of the accidents and the food messes, it's all soooooooo worth it. I mean, just look at these guys resting on my meditation pillow.
The kittens follow us wherever we go in the house, and even keep us company while we work. They especially love to curl up on the power cords of our computers, a lovely warm spot for small things that miss their mother.
So now that we know the kitties' personalities a bit, I don't think we're going to name them Fuser or Lebston after all (as much as those names make me laugh). We've almost decided on "Hermanito" for the little boy, but are still in doubt about the little girl. She's quite the wild one, and we have yet to come up with a name that suits her adventurous ways.
Suggestions welcome!
Oh my GOD. They are so cute!! I just want to pick them up and cuddle them.
You guys must be so excited!
Congratulations on the new family members -- you saved them from a pretty horrific fate, which is fantastic karma. :)
These are adorable! I am so a cat person too- who needs a dog when you can such a cute ball of fluff around!! Congratulations!
WOW freaking adorable. Makes me wish my cats were still kittens, but only a little. They make life better.
Hope you are well!
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